Creating Your Best Life Through Life Design

Creating YOUR Best Life Through Life Design


We all know that creating your best life is never an easy thing to accomplish. Most of us aren’t even sure what we want out of life.


This results in us passively and aimlessly moving through our lives without clear values, goals, or objectives. It’s no wonder that so few of us actually end up creating our best lives. Our approach is awful…


So today I’m going to introduce you to the life design process. By the end of this article, you’ll know what life design is, who it’s for, why it’s important, and how it’ll benefit YOU personally!

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Creating Your Best Life: What is Life Design


So the first thing we are going to talk about today is ‘what is life design’.


Well, to provide a brief answer, life design is exactly what it sounds like. It’s you working towards creating your best life by your design. It’s about putting a plan in place that will take you from where you are now to where you want to go.


Life design helps you to begin thinking about what you actually want from life and who YOU are. It forces you to ask yourself tough questions and then provide honest answers.

Outcome of Life Design

Often, following reflection, most of us discover that we spend a lot of time pursuing society’s script for us. And when we live according to someone else’s script for we often struggle to fit in. We may even feel like we don’t belong. And don’t ignore that feeling, because sometimes that feeling is right. We might NOT belong there cause it’s not what we truly want for our life.


What I’m saying here is that society definitely puts a lot of pressure on us nowadays. We all spend a lot of time trying to be something we’re not. That leads to a disconnect between you and your lifestyle.


Life design attempts to resolve that type of disconnect so that you can live a more passionate and fulfilling lifestyle. It does this by forcing us to reflect on our own unique traits, styles, behaviors, and skills instead of struggling to be something we are not.


By becoming comfortable with ourselves and accepting who were are we put ourselves on the path to true happiness.


This is essentially what creating your best life through life design can lead to!

Who Will Benefit from Life Design


So now that you have a general understanding about what life design is, it’s time to discuss who can benefit from it.


The lazy answer would be that everyone can benefit from life design. That creating your best life is something anybody can accomplish. However, as I said, that’s the lazy answer. Because the truth is, it’s unlikely everyone could benefit from learning about life design RIGHT NOW.


I think a better answer to the question would be something like this:


Those who will benefit from learning about life design are those people who are READY and MOTIVATED to invest in themselves to create significant changes in their life.

Key Features of Individuals Ready for Life Design

This answer outlines a few key qualities of the people who I think will benefit from life design.

First, these people are READY for a change in their life. This means that these individuals are looking for something different from their daily lives. To truly benefit from life design, you need to be ready to accept the changes in lifestyle and mindset that come with it.


Second, these people are MOTIVATED to make these changes. This one is simple, if you aren’t motivated to change your life then you probably won’t. Your desire for change must be greater than your desire to remain where you currently are.


Then finally, these individuals are ready to INVEST IN THEMSELVES. That could be making financial investments by buying products such as online courses and workbooks. It could also be investing time in developing particular skills or knowledge. Regardless, these people are willing to put in the time and effort as they work towards creating their best life.


Basically, life design is for the people ready to take that next step on their path to personal growth and success!

Why is Life Design Important?


This is probably the most important question that we’ll cover today.


Why is life design important? Well, let’s go back to the intro. In the second paragraph, I outlined a common situation many people find themselves in. Passively and aimlessly progressing through their lives.


Now, I won’t make any assumptions for you specifically, but I’m willing to bet that being passive and aimless with your life isn’t something you find desirable. And you’d be with the majority if you didn’t.


This is why taking the time to design YOUR best life is so important. It helps you to establish a detailed and organized outline that will take you from your current life to your ideal one.


Life Design Minimizes Wasted Time

Try this little experiment.


Think about the things you did earlier today, yesterday, or even over this past week. How many of those things are you actually thankful that you did? Are you thankful for all that time binging Netflix? Do you think your future self would thank you for spending all day playing games on your phone or browsing social media? Probably not right…


These are the types of things that life design helps to limit your exposure to.


I’m not saying you can never watch another episode of Friends or the Big Bang Theory… I’m simply saying that you should monitor how much time you dedicate to these activities on a regular basis.


Can you think of some positive activities you could use to fill your time with if you cut out half the time you spent being unproductive?


You could spend it reading and learning new things. Maybe you would be more active. You might even decide to take up an activity that is more generally beneficial such as meditation.

The possibilities are endless and I’m willing to bet your future self will be more thankful for these types of activities.


By establishing your life design, you will be putting a plan in place that will remind you to question which activities are going to ACTUALLY help YOU reach YOUR goals.


Life Design Leads to More Passionate and Fulfilling Lifestyles


Have you ever said or thought something like, “man, I wish this life was easier”?


Well, creating your best life through life design techniques can actually make your life easier.

You see, not everyone wins at life. If you don’t believe me, just look around. When you’re looking for them it’s not hard to find the people who aren’t happy in their lives.


If creating a life that was both happy and fulfilling was easy, then everyone would do it. Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. To create a life that we personally feel is meaningful takes effort. Happier, more productive, and successful lifestyles don’t often just fall into our laps.


That effort you invest into your life though will separate you from everyone else who is just living passively though.


Because when you think about it, there are countless different lifestyles that we could create for ourselves. And, every decision we make narrows your life down to the specific one that you are bringing into reality.


This means that each decision you make can either take you closer to creating your best life or further away from it. And how can we actively make decisions leading us towards our best life if we don’t take the time to fully understand what that even means to us?!


Remember, using life design techniques to create your best life leads to a life that’s within your control.


Once you know what you want from life, you’ll know which decisions you need to make in order to find greater passion and fulfillment in your daily life.


If the idea of that doesn’t get you fired up, I’m not sure what will!

Final Thoughts

If I was going to leave you with some final thoughts, this is what they would be.

The worst thing we can do with our lives is to passively go through the motions of daily living aimlessly. There’s nothing worse than living an unfulfilling life every single day simply because it seems safe to you.

Don’t be afraid to take some shots in your life! If you’re anything like me, you’ll have to take a bunch of shots before you even begin to get things right!

That’s the beautiful part of life design, your steps and decisions can always be revised as you go about creating your best life. No decision has to be absolutely final.

Besides, the life you’re designing for yourself will lively change and evolve in different ways as you grow, mature, and develop over the course of your life. Your journey will have some curves in the path, don’t be afraid of them.

The important thing is that you begin moving forward proactively towards a life that you believe will bring you happiness and meaning.

So get over the fear of making these small mistakes. Instead, be more worried about your fear paralyzing you so much that you actually stop growing and progressing entirely!

Because yes, growing might be painful, but it’s not as painful as being trapped somewhere that you do not truly want to be.

So take the time and invest in life design so that creating your best life becomes second nature!

What’s Next…

Today we what life design is, how it can benefit you, and why it’s important. Next, we are going to be talking about some life design habits and tips you can use to fast-track your growth and development! That’s going to be a great one so watch for it in your inbox.

Until then, stay excellent!


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Mark Lynch

Mr. Lynch is the founder of the Excellence Addiction: Balanced Living Community (go here to subscribe and learn how to unlock your personalized balanced living formula that will facilitate your own success and happiness). Last month, over 1000 individuals were excited to join Mark’s balanced living community. Read his inspiring story, “Achieving a Balanced Life Took Me From Distress to Success.” Feel free to pick up your free life balance workbook here.

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